🔔 NotifKit
Routing to In-App Notifications
import NotifKit

SwiftyLaunch Version 1.2+

Routing Push Notifications to In-App Notifications

Notifications Routing Thumbnail

You can easily route Push Notifications to In-App Notifications when the application is open by including following parameters in your notifications payload in OneSignal:

Notifications Routing Data Input

  • inAppSymbol - SF Symbol of the notification. Refer to the SF Symbols App (opens in a new tab) for the list of available symbols.
  • inAppColor - The color of the in-app notification icon (in HEX Format).
  • inAppSize - (Optional) The size of the displayed in-app notification. compact or normal. (Defaults to normal)
  • inAppHaptics - (Optional) The haptics that will be triggered when the in-app notification is shown. success, error or warning (Defaults to warning). Refer to the Haptics Documentation for more information.

To show an in-app notification you must include a Notification Title, Message, inAppSymbol and inAppColor in your push notification payload.