

        • App.swift
  • App.swift is the starting point of your application.

    Here, we initialize all the necessary frameworks and attach global view modifiers to ContentView (Root View of the Application).


          • ContentView.swift
  • ContentView.swift is the root view of the application. You can use the initiated TabView to show different sections of the application.

    AIKitExamplesView NEW

    The Home View for the included 3 AI Mini-Apps: Vision, Chat and Voice Examples.

    DatabaseExampleView (DatabaseKit & AuthKit)

    Is an example View to showcase the usage of DatabaseKit and AuthKit.

    Go to DatabaseKit to learn more.


    This is an internal view, that wont be visible in the production build.

    Use this to quickly test/toggle features, reset cache & more.


    SettingsView is a pre-made, native looking Settings View with built in features and framework examples.


    Account Settings (AuthKit only)

    A pre-made view to allow the user to edit basic account information. Read more about it in AuthKit / Account Settings.

    Notifications Settings (NotifKit only)

    A pre-made view to allow the user to edit notification settings. Read more about push notifications in NotifKit.

    Appearance Settings (InAppPurchaseKit only)

    An example of a feature locked behind a paywall. Will prompt the user to purchase the premium subscription to unlock the ability to change the App Icon. Go to Restrict Premium Features to learn more.

    Privacy View

    A pre-made view that contains your App's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Don't forget to replace the placeholders with your own URLs in Targets/SharedKit/Sources/AppData.swift.

    Premium CTA / Manage Subscription (InAppPurchaseKit only)

    A bigger button to prompt the user to purchase the premium subscription to unlock features. Go to Restrict Premium Features to learn more about setting it up.

    About the Developer

    Will open the developer's website (specified in Targets/SharedKit/Sources/AppData.swift).

    Report a Problem

    Will open the user's default mail provider with developer's email (specified in Targets/SharedKit/Sources/AppData.swift) in the receiver field.