⚠️ Troubleshooting
Project Generation Errors

Errors that occur during project generation

Here are all of the errors that might occur during project generation together with a suggested solution for each one.

A good checklist to follow that might help you troubleshoot the issues:

  1. Make sure you have installed Xcode (14.1 or later)
  2. Make sure you have installed Node.js
  3. You have an active, stable internet connection
  4. Make sure you have granted SwiftyLaunch system access if prompted. - we need to run multiple commands in your terminal to make generate a new project for you, as well as access your GitHub credentials to fetch dependencies on your behalf.
  5. Make sure your system isn't running in safe mode.
  6. Make sure you aren't running low on disk space and memory.
  7. Make sure you are running SwiftyLaunch on macOS Ventura 13.5 or later.
  8. If you are running a beta version of macOS, or test SwiftyLaunch's generated app on beta versions of iOS, please don't spam us with messages that something isn't working. We are doing our best to fix these issues as soon as possible and always prepare an updated, stable SwiftyLaunch version as soon as the new macOS or iOS versions are out of beta.
  9. Make sure you aren't blocking network requests with tools like Little Snitch or similar.

If you have repeated the steps above and the issue still persists, you can:

  • Try restarting your Mac
  • Try reinstalling SwiftyLaunch
  • Try generating a new project in a different path
  • Try changing the selected module combinations
  • Reset Xcode Package Caches by in Xcode: File -> Packages -> Reset Package Caches
  • Clean derived data by running rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData

Error: Couldn't find Xcode in /Applications OR Couldn't locate Xcode's Info.plist

We couldn't locate Xcode on your machine. Make sure it is installed, located in /Applications, is named 'Xcode.app' and is selected as default by running sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app in your terminal.

Error: Make sure Node.js is installed on your system

Couldn't locate a Node.js (Version 18 - 22) executable on your system. Make sure it is installed via brew or downloaded from nodejs.org (opens in a new tab) and try again. We look for it in following locations:

  • /usr/local/bin/node
  • /opt/homebrew/bin/node
  • /usr/local/opt/node@18/bin/node
  • /usr/local/opt/node@19/bin/node
  • /usr/local/opt/node@20/bin/node
  • /usr/local/opt/node@21/bin/node
  • /usr/local/opt/node@22/bin/node

Error setting up AIKit

We had an issue setting up AIKit with the Whisper AI model. Please check if the Whisper model is installed on the Additional Components tab in SwiftyLaunch's settings. If the issue persists, generate a new project with AIKit disabled.

Internal Error 102

We had an error creating a temporary folder for the project generation. This can happen on systems with very strict security settings. Make sure you have granted SwiftyLaunch all the required system access when prompted.

Internal Generation Error 105

General error during the project generation. Reasons for this error can be different. Please refer to the checklist in the beginning of this document and try to resolve the issue. If you have repeated the steps above and the issue still persists, please contact us.

Interal Error 106

Couldn't prepare project template. Upgrade SwiftyLaunch to the latest version. If the issue persists, contact us.

Internal Error 107

Error finalizing the project after it was generated. Try generating a new project.

Internal Error 108

Error moving the project to the selected destination. Try generating a new project in a different location.

Internal Error 114

There was an issue preparing files of a module. Try changing the selected modules.

Internal Error 115

Error formatting the project after it was generated. Try again.

Internal Error 116

Error during project clean up. Try generating a new project.

Internal Error 117

Error adding BackendKit to the project. Try generating a new project with BackendKit disabled.

Internal Error 119

Error decoding required project resources. This can happen if the project resources were not found or were corrupted. Try reinstalling SwiftyLaunch. If the issue persists, contact us.

Internal Error 122

Error adding BackendKit to the project. Try generating a new project with BackendKit disabled.

Internal Error 124

We couldn't locate the resources that are required to generate your project. Try reinstalling SwiftyLaunch. If the issue persists, contact us.

Internal Error 125, 126

Couldn't generate the project with the selected modules or deployment target version. Try changing the selected modules or deployment target version.

Internal Error 127, 128

General error during the project generation. Reasons for this error can be different. Please refer to the checklist in the beginning of this document and try to resolve the issue. If you have repeated the steps above and the issue still persists, please contact us.

Internal Error 129

Error that happens from the inability to clean up a project without BackendKit. Try generating a new project with BackendKit enabled.

Internal Error 130, 131, 132

Error setting up project's assets. Try generating a new project.