📦 SwiftyLaunch Modules
🔗 SharedKit
Flexible Stack View (VStack + HStack + ZStack)

Flexible Stack View in SwiftUI (VStack + HStack + ZStack in one)

SharedKit View (SwiftyLaunch Module) - Stack

The Stack view is a flexible stack view that can be either a VStack, HStack, or ZStack depending on the parameters that you provide to it.

SwiftyLaunch uses it to adapt layouts of a view depending on the current platform, like for the AIVisionExampleView of AIKit.

View declaration:

public struct Stack<Content: View>: View {
    public init(
        _ stackType: StackType,
        spacing: CGFloat? = nil,
        @ViewBuilder content: @escaping () -> Content
    ) {
        self.stackType = stackType
        self.spacing = spacing
        self.content = content
  • stackType - The type of the stack view. Can be .vertical, .horizontal, or .zAxis.
  • spacing - The spacing between the views in the stack.
  • content - The content of the stack view. (Implicitly passed SwiftUI closure)

Usage Example

From the AIVisionExampleView() of AIKit utilizing the Flexible Stack View, as well as the currentPlatform global variable:

import SwiftUI
import SharedKit
// ...Other imports
struct AIVisionExampleView: View {
    // ...
    var body: some View {
        // VStack on iPhone, HStack on iPad
        // iPhone: Camera Feed on top, Shutter Button at the bottom
        // iPad: Camera Feed on the left, Shutter Button on the right
        Stack(currentPlatform == .phone ? .vertical : .horizontal, spacing: 25) {
            // VStack on iPad, HStack on iPhone
            Stack(currentPlatform == .phone ? .horizontal : .vertical) {
                // ...Photos Picker Button
                Button {
                    // ...
                } label: {
                        .frame(width: 75, height: 75)
                // ... Selfie / Rear Camera Switch Button

SharedKit Helper Function Example (SwiftyLaunch Module) - currentPlatform