📦 SwiftyLaunch Modules
🔗 SharedKit
HEVC Video with Transparency

Play an HEVC video with transparency in SwiftUI

SharedKit View (SwiftyLaunch Module) - VideoPlayerAlphaView

GIF's kinda suck. This is why we included a way to play HEVC videos in SwiftUI as a more efficient alternative to GIFs.

The VideoPlayerAlphaView is a view that plays an HEVC videos on repeat in SwiftUI.

View declaration:

public struct VideoPlayerAlphaView: UIViewRepresentable {
    public init(
        url: URL,
        repeatCount: RepeatCount = .never,
        keepsAspectRatio: Bool = true
    ) { }
  • url - The URL of the HEVC video. (Can also be a local bundle URL)
  • repeatCount - (Optional) The number of times the video should repeat. See RepeatCount definition below. (Default: .never)
  • keepsAspectRatio - (Optional) Whether the video should keep its aspect ratio. (Default: true)

RepeatCount definition:

public enum RepeatCount: Equatable {
    case infinite       // Will keep looping
    case constant(Int)  // How many times it should play, so `.constant(7)` will play 7 times
    case never          // Will play only once, equivalent to `.constant(1)`

Usage Example

From the InAppPurchaseView() paywall hero view of InAppPurchaseKit:

import RevenueCat
import RevenueCatUI
import SharedKit
import SwiftUI
// ...Other imports
struct InAppPurchaseView: View {
    // ...
    var body: some View {
        InAppPurchaseCarousel(heroTitle: paywallHeroTitle)
                .paywallFooter(purchaseCompleted: onPurchaseCompleted) // RevenueCatUI's Paywall Footer
    private struct InAppPurchaseCarousel: View {
        private let timer = Timer.publish(every: 5, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect()
        var body: some View {
            TabView(selection: $page) {
                PaywallHeroView(title: heroTitle)
                // ...Second Paywall Carousel View
                // ...Third Paywall Carousel View
            .accentBackground(strong: true)
            .tabViewStyle(.page(indexDisplayMode: .never))
            .onReceive(timer) { time in
                // ...auto scroll pages
    private struct PaywallHeroView: View {
        // ...
        var body: some View {
            VStack {
                    url: Bundle.module.url(forResource: "paywall-hero-vid", withExtension: "mov")!,
                    keepsAspectRatio: true
                // ...Paywall Hero Title
            .ignoresSafeArea(.container, edges: .top)

Here's how it looks like in the app. (The VideoPlayerAlphaView() in the first view of the carousel seemlessly blends with the accent colored background)

SharedKit Helper Function Example (SwiftyLaunch Module) - currentPlatform