📦 SwiftyLaunch Modules
🔐 AuthKit
User Account Settings

Account Settings View

AuthKit (SwiftyLaunch Module) - Account Settings View

We include many basic account-related features that 99% of the apps need anyways. Is also styled to look like the native account settings in iOS. Cool.

This screeds includes following features:

  • Changing Account Name - Change the user's name
  • Changing Password - Allowing the user to change their password (not applicable Signed in with Apple users)
  • Account Deletion - Allowing the user to delete their account
  • Signing Out - Allowing the user to sign out

UI Walkthrough - Account Settings View

We'll walk through each piece of functionality in the following sections.

Changing Account Name

The user can change their account name by tapping on the "Change Name" cell. This will present an alert where the user can enter their new name.

This calls the newDisplayName() function of the DB object.

Change Name Demo

public struct AccountSettingsView: View {
    // ...
	@EnvironmentObject var db: DB
	@State private var showNewNameAlert = false
	@State private var newName = ""
    // ...
	public var body: some View {
		List {
            // ... account settings header (image, name, email)
			Section {
				Button("Change Name") {
                    showNewNameAlert = true
				.alert("Enter your new account name", isPresented: $showNewNameAlert) {
					TextField(/* ... */, text: $newName)
					Button("OK") {
                        // ...
                        await db.newDisplayName(newName)
                        // ...
					// ... cancel button
                // ... change password, delete account, sign out

Changing Profile Picture

This is actually just a placeholder PhotosPicker element that you can repurpose for your own needs. Pretty much only social apps require a feature like this, which is why we didn't include it out of the box.

Changing Password

The user can change their password by tapping on the "Change Password" cell.

Because this is a sensitive operation, a re-authentication sheet will appear (ReAuthSheet) prompting the user to enter their current password.

After this a sheet will appear where the user can enter their new password. After the user has entered their new password, the setNewPassword() function of the DB object will be called.

(Note that because of the way iOS handles password fields, the keyboard and the password field is hidden in the GIF below.) Change Password Demo

public struct AccountSettingsView: View {
	// ...
	@EnvironmentObject var db: DB
	@State private var newPasswordSheetRef = false
	@State private var reAuthSheetRef = false
	// ...
	public var body: some View {
		List {
            // ... account settings header (image, name, email)
			Section {
				// ...
				if db.currentUserProvider == .email {
					Button("Change Password") {
						// ...
						// show sheet to re-authenticate
						showReAuthSheet(db: db, reAuthSheetRef: $reAuthSheetRef) { result in
							switch result {
								case .success: // on success, hide re-auth sheet and show password sheet after 0.25s
									dismissReAuthSheet(reAuthSheetRef: $reAuthSheetRef)
									Task {
										try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(0.25))
								case .canceled: // on cancel, hide re-auth sheet
									dismissReAuthSheet(reAuthSheetRef: $reAuthSheetRef)
								case .forgotPassword:
									// ... show password reset sheet
				// ...
			// ...
	func setShowPasswordSheet(_ show: Bool) {
		// ... show/hide NewPasswordView in a slide over card
struct NewPasswordView: View {
	@EnvironmentObject var db: DB
	// ...
	public var body: some View {
		VStack {
			// ...
			if let user = db.currentUser {
					// ...
					continueAction: { email, password in
						// ...
						await db.setNewPassword(password)
						// ...
			} else {
				// ...
			// ...
		// ...

Account Deletion

The user can change delete their accoutn by tapping on the "Delete Account" cell.

This is a destructive action, so after clicking on the button, we show a confirmation dialog will appear, asking the user to confirm that they want to delete their account.

Then, because this is a sensitive operation, a re-authentication sheet will appear (ReAuthSheet) prompting the user to enter their current password (or to sign in with Apple again).

(Note that because of the way iOS handles password fields, the keyboard and the password field is hidden in the GIF below.) Account Deletion Demo

public struct AccountSettingsView: View {
	// ...
	@EnvironmentObject var db: DB
	@State private var showAccountDeleteDialog = false
	@State private var reAuthSheetRef = false
	// ...
	public var body: some View {
		List {
			// ... account settings header (image, name, email)
			Section {
				// ... change name button
				// ... photos picker
				// ... change password button
				Button("Delete Account", role: .destructive) {
					// ...
					showAccountDeleteDialog = true
					"Are you sure you want to delete your Account?", isPresented: $showAccountDeleteDialog
				) {
					Button("Confirm Account Deletion", role: .destructive) {
						// show sheet to re-authenticate
						showReAuthSheet(db: db, reAuthSheetRef: $reAuthSheetRef) { result in
							switch result {
								case .success: // on success, hide re-auth sheet and show password sheet after delay
									// ...
									await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(0.5))
									await db.deleteUser()
									// ...
									dismissReAuthSheet(reAuthSheetRef: $reAuthSheetRef)
								case .canceled: // on cancel, hide re-auth sheet
									dismissReAuthSheet(reAuthSheetRef: $reAuthSheetRef)
								case .forgotPassword:
									// ... show password reset sheet
				// ... sign out button
		// ...
	// ...

Signing Out

When the user signs out, we simply call the signOut() function from the DB object, which also navigates us back to the app settings screen.